high-waxy oil

英 美
  • 高蜡油
  • high adj.高的;高尚的;高级的;高度的;全盛的adv.高;奢侈地;音调高n.高水平;高气压;(麻醉品带来的)快感
  • oil n.油;油画颜料;奉承话v.涂油;溶化;加油
  • waxy adj.像蜡的;蜡色的;苍白的;光滑的;顺从的
    1. This sag can be divided into two petroliferous systems, the high wax petroleum system and the normal one.
    2. The high contents of drimane in the oil indicate that microbial action made some contribution for the formation of the high wax oil.